Monday 15 August 2022

Lal Silk Cheddi (LSC) - Review 11.56/183.47 Rating

Importing fashions is not new to Indian garments industry. But this is officially imported which is thirty-year-old fashion. Cheddi concept is not Indian, we have our very own 'Longota' or 'Kaupinam'. 

With lot of western influence due to the British rule, Indians adopted the Cheddi as our inner wear. What is special about this Lal Silk Cheddi? There's plenty of resistance to this fashion and #boycottlsc is trending like anything with this import of LSC fashion. 

The LSC fashion is all about considering silk as material for Cheddi to get a feeling like feather touch and choosing red color (Lal) for inner wear. The people understood the designer's concept of feather touch but couldn't digest the red color (Lal). 

The fashion is too old, boring design and red colour (Lal) are the main culprits for LSC's failure to catch the trend of the current generation. The seasoned models presentation and catwalk also could not win the hearts of the public. Out of 183.47 points I can give only 11.56 points for my review. If you want to know for yourself, wear it to feel it.